What is an Opiate Overdose?

Any of the following symptoms occur with heroin use (or other opioid) often in combination of other drugs or alcohol:
- Shallow breathing
- Difficulty breathing
- Turning blue
- Loss of consciousness
- Unable to be roused
Opioid Overdose Information
- OD is the major cause of death among drug users – mainly opiates
- Heroin injectors are 14 X more likely to die than their peers
- Most heroin users will experience an OD during their life-time
- Increase in opioid overdose deaths in recent years
- High purity of heroin rarely cause of overdose death
- Overdose deaths can happen several hours after heroin use
- Overdose occurs more often in risk groups
- Most overdoses are witnessed by others
Those Most at Risk of Opiate Overdose
Risk factors for fatal heroin ‘overdose’:

- Heroin in isolation the exception
- Injecting (as opposed to smoking)
- Additional personal health concerns
- Epidemiology: Age (older), sex (m), long history of drug use
- Poly-drug use/ high levels of alcohol use
- Recent abstinence/low tolerance
- Not being in treatment
- Recent history of overdose
- Recent release from prison
- Recent detox
- Mental health problems, inc depression, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts
- In recovery
- Early occasional use
- Combined crack and heroin injecting