Naloxone Saves Lives Conference

The conference took place on Thursday 19th May 2011
Thanks to all who attended

Various schemes of take home naloxone are in place across the UK and the conference heard from experts from Wales, Scotland and England. The key note speaker was Dr Sarz Maxwell who is the medical director of Chicago Recovery Alliance in the United States. Dr Maxwell is a passionate advocate of wider use of naloxone as a tool in the prevention of drug related deaths. She has been involved with the first large scale distribution of naloxone and is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of using naloxone with opiate users.


To view the presentations you will need to have Microsoft PowerPoint or you can install the PowerPoint Viewer for free.

  • The Scottish National Naloxone Programme

  • Responding to an Overdose

  • Introducing the national database for Naloxone

  • Naloxone for families and carers demonstration project

  • Overdose Education & Naloxone Distribution (OEND)

  • Drug-Related Deaths (DRDs)

  • Evaluation of the Take Home Naloxone (THN) Project